





1 避免直接将油脂或者烹饪的油倾泻到管道中,因为这些油脂在冷却后会凝固在管道里造成堵塞。用纸将锅里冷却凝固的油脂擦干净。
2 千万不要把难以磨碎的黏性的东西放入垃圾处理器(家禽皮,胡萝卜,芹菜,南瓜果肉或香蕉果皮),处理器不能充分的磨碎这些东西,会堵塞你的下水管。
3 在垃圾处理器排出磨碎的垃圾前和排完后,用冷水持续冲洗15秒,让研磨后的垃圾从家中排水管冲入外面的大管道。
4 在放入食物残渣前打开垃圾粉碎机。
5 在夜间或非高峰时段使用洗碗机和洗衣机,可以保持家中客人们用水时的水温和水压。

1 安排好使用计划,把沐浴的时间分散在一天;每一个使用者之间间隔10分钟以上,而不要一个紧接着一个使用淋浴设备。
2 热水开关要慢慢的开大,避免一下调到很高的温度。
3 如果喷水头的压力很小,将醋装入塑料袋,把喷头放入袋中,用带子扎好后浸泡一个晚上。第二天早上取出喷头用旧牙刷轻轻刷去软化的水垢,这样从喷头流出的水压就恢复正常了。
4 给浴室和厕所准备一个垃圾桶,存放用过的棉签,棉球,头发,面部磨砂垫,尿布,卫生用品等,而不是把它们直接冲入排水管道,因为这些东西是很难分解的,是造成排水管堵塞的主要原因。

Seasonal Tips for Home Plumbing in Winter

The holidays are coming, bringing together family, friends and a few plumbing emergencies. A majority of Americans take part in holiday parties with 11 or more guests around Thanksgiving and Christmas. These extra guests put a serious strain on a home's plumbing system, which results in more emergency calls to plumbers.

Big holiday meals require a busy kitchen. Too much grease and food finds its way into the kitchen drain or disposer. Holiday guests also equate to extra showers, bath and lots of extra toilet flushes. It all adds up to potential plumbing disasters.

Pipes clog because of a gradual buildup of grease, hair, soap or food particles. All it takes it one major overload, like a house full of guests, to exasperate the situation and create a clogged drain. Follow these tips to avoid a plumbing disaster.

In the kitchen:

• Avoid pouring fats or cooking oils down the drain because liquid fats solidify in the pipes and create clogs. Wipe congealed grease from pots.
• Never put hard-to-grind, stringy, fibrous waste into the garbage disposer (poultry skins, carrots, celery, pumpkin pulp or banana peels). The disposer can't sufficiently grind these items and they will clog your sink drain.
• Run cold water down the drain for about 15 seconds before and after using the garbage disposer to flush waste down the main line.
• Turn on the disposer before adding food debris.
• Run the dishwasher and washing machine at night or at off times to conserve water temperature and pressure for your guests.

In the bathroom:

• Plan ahead, spread out showers throughout the day; wait 10 minutes between showers rather than taking one right after another.
• Turn up the water heater slightly to retain hot water. To avoid scalding, do not exceed 125°F.
• If shower pressure is weak, pour a cup of vinegar into a plastic bag, place it over the showerhead, and soak. Use a twist tie to hold it in place overnight. In the morning, remove the bag and use an old toothbrush to gently scrub off the mineral deposits to help restore water flow.
• Provide a trash bin in the bathroom so the toilet isn't used as a garbage can. Never flush cotton swabs, cotton balls, hair, facial scrub pads, diapers, sanitary products or similar items down the toilet. These items will not easily dissolve and are responsible for most clogs.


在加拿大如何找搬家公司 | How to Pick a Moving Company in Canada?







1. 你们公司是否会将搬家服务分包给其他公司?

2. 如果有分包发生,哪一部分的搬运会分包?

3. 运输过程中货物是否使用一辆车直接运抵目的地?(在运输过程中,将货物在不同的货车之间转移,会增加损坏的几率)

4. 还有什么服务项目没有列在清单上,是否会对这些没有列出的服务收费?你的搬运和打包工人接受过哪些训练(特别是在如何处理那些易碎的物品方面)?


Firstly, even before talking with a mover, decide in advance which goods will be shipped and which will be sold or given away. Then consider whether or not you would like the mover to pack and what other type of additional services you may want. Remember that packing is always a separate bid from moving. An estimator may come to your home and create a bid, or make an estimate by talking to you over the phone. Moves that are less than 50 miles away are usually priced by the hour. For longer distance moves, estimates are based on weight, usually per 100 pounds. Call or email the Vancouver Toronto moving company you are considering for the job and ask for an estimate. Get involved in the estimating process and try to meet with the relocation consultant to survey your home and prepare a written estimate. Ask each prospective mover how long his or her estimate is valid for and question whether the estimate is a binding or a non binding. Never accept an estimate over the phone and do not consider using a company that offers you this service.

Inform the mover of any possible unusual situations on either end so your estimate can be more accurate. Make the mover aware of any problems that he may encounter at the delivery such as parking problems, road access, street accessibility, delivery time restrictions or if there are any stairs or elevators involved. The cost of your move can increase for such occurrences. Try to reserve a “parking space” for the moving van if your new home is on a congested street. If the moving crew has to carry your load more than 75 feet from the moving van to your door you may be charged for excessive distance. Some neighborhoods may prohibit trucks over a certain weight. The driver will offload your possessions into a smaller vehicle and the charge for that can be quite high. Advise the relocation consultant if you anticipate this situation arising. In addition, advise the consultant if you are moving to a high-rise building where an elevator reservation is required. This can cause problems for the delivery schedule if the mover does not know about this in advance and additional charges will likely apply.

To check the reliability of the moving company you can contact the local Better Business Bureau (BBB) in Toronto, Vancouver Canada to inquire about the company’s complaint record and how these complaints were resolved. Ask your friends, family and neighbors for recommendations and advice on movers.

Be sure to understand the coverage for loss or damage of your shipment. All licensed movers must provide liability for the value of goods they transport. There are different levels of liability that you need to be aware of. You need to understand the amount of protection provided and the additional charges that may apply.

Ask the right questions such as:

1. Does your company subcontract its moving services?

2. Which subcontractors could be used to move my home?

3. Will the contents of my home be on one truck the entire time?

(Moving goods between trucks increases the potential for damage)

4. What services are not listed on this bid, and what do you charge for them? What training do your movers and/or packers receive (especially for packing and moving fragile items)?


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使用无担保的债务重组贷款避免破产| How to Avoid Bankruptcy


1. 联系你现有的债权人,向他们表达你可能希望通过债务重组贷款的方式来避免破产的发生。告诉你的债权人如果你申请破产保护,破产法的第七章就会免除你的所有债务,今后他们就没法再从你这里得到一分钱了。让你的债权人了解破产法的第七章的内容,促使他们接受你债务重组计划的设想,因为债权人同样会从这个计划收益。

2. 优先从你的债权人那里申请债务重组贷款,比如银行或者相关的金融机构。

3. 联系一个商业的专门帮助债务人申请债务重组而避免破产的贷款中介,这些专业人士是专门帮助那些希望避免破产的人。而他们将从借出钱的银行金融机构得到报酬。

Avoid Bankruptcy With Debt Consolidation & Unsecured Loans

Bankruptcy is intended to be a means of last resort to resolve a debtor's financial issues. If you are facing significant financial challenges, you may contemplate bankruptcy. However, before you move forward in that direction, consider how to avoid bankruptcy with debt consolidation and unsecured loans. There are strategies that you can employ to obtain debt consolidation and unsecured financing as a means to resolve your debt issues and avoid the need for bankruptcy protection.

1. Contact your existing creditors and explain to them that you are pursuing debt consolidation and the possibility of unsecured loans as a means of avoiding a bankruptcy. Advise them that if you file for bankruptcy protection you will file under Chapter 7. Chapter 7 is the type of bankruptcy that results in the discharge of your debt, leaving your creditors with no ability to collect on your accounts. By advising creditors of your intentions and the prospect of Chapter 7 bankruptcy, they likely will be supportive of your efforts to consolidate debt and obtain additional financing because their best interests are served through this course as well.

2. Apply for a debt consolidation or unsecured loan initially with any of your creditors that are banks or similar types of financial institutions.

3. Contact a loan broker. There are loan brokers in business that specialize in assisting people attempting to avoid bankruptcy. These professionals assist in connecting people like you with lenders that specialize in loan consolidation and limited supplemental financing for people dealing with debt issues who want to stay out of the bankruptcy court. These loan brokers do not charge you a fee for their services. They are compensated by a lender if a debt consolidation loan or other type of financing is originated for you.


加拿大专门替人打抱不平的职业律师 Personal Injury Lawyers

加拿大的律师 Lawyers 属于令人羡慕的高薪行业,里面的专业化名称让外行人看了就头晕,其中有一种叫Personal Injury Lawyer 的,是专门替人出头索要赔偿的。
华人移民来自国内,出现这种意外时,很多人都会息事宁人,没有大的问题一般就选择原谅对方,或者赔了损失也就算了。如果要是被伤害的人找了律师 Lawyer,那可就大不一样了,哪怕很轻微的伤,如果有了证据,会搞得很大,加上精神赔偿什么的,你银行的存款可能就换了主人。
多伦多、温哥华、渥太华等加拿大的每个城市都有很多这样的律师。你可以用关键字在Google上搜索出一堆这样的公司 比如 Toronto Lawyer Firm, Toronto Personal Injury Lawyer etc.

Preszler Law Firm Personal Injury Lawyers Toronto
65 Queen Street West, Suite 400, Toronto, ON M5H 2M5(416) 364-2000


加拿大的水管工(Plumbing in Canada)

在加拿大很多蓝领技术工种都很适合移民来到这里的朋友,多伦多的水管工(Toronto Plumbing)就是其中一个。
这种工作适合有一定动手能力的男士,隔一段时间还要轮流24小时值班(On Call)。工作看上去比较劳身,可是省心,不用担心失业,据说如果被辞了,几天就能找到新工作。多伦多地区有很多这样的公司(Toronto plumbing),比如WaterWorks,DrainWorks,Brothers Plumbing,Mr. Rooter等公司,都可以在多伦多的专业维修目录中找到(Toronto Business Directory)。



(debt consolidation loan) 债务合并贷款是加拿大经常会碰到的财务状况,而由于我们华人大多数都没有超前消费的习惯,所以反而对此不太熟悉。
所谓(debt consolidation loan)是指当我们有了很多债务需要偿还的时候,你可以找一个合适的贷款计划,帮你偿还所有的其他债务,而你只要还钱给这个帮你还债的机构就可以了,常常新组合的还款计划会少于你现有其他债务还款计划的总和,因为新计划(debt consolidation loan)的利率(interest rate)低于以前的债务利率。
在加拿大(Canada)多伦多(Toronto)有很多这样的公司(Toronto Debt Consolidation)帮助那些喜欢超前消费又债务缠身的人士规划新的债务计划,节省开支。
(Consumer proposals)消费提议是另外一种为还不起债务的人士设计的一种还款计划,这是在出现(personal bankruptcy)个人破产情况时的另一种选择。债务人欠下大量债务而无力偿还时,可以选择自己的(consumer proposal trustee)破产代理人,帮你写一份合理的还款计划,根据债务人的收入情况最长还5年,这个计划适合于有稳定收入的人士。比如您欠银行或者信用卡公司$50,000,根据您的收入每个月还$300到$600,一直还到5年为止。如果有一半的债权人通过了您的还款计划,这个还款额度就不会变化,就算日后您的收入增加。
在多伦多(Toronto)有很多这样的代理公司(Toronto Consumer Proposals)帮助你和银行(bank)信用卡公司(Credit Cards)沟通。(Consumer proposals)消费建议通过缩减您的开支,在不威胁到您的正常生活的情况下,偿还全部债务中的一部分,而不损伤您的信用,属于两全齐美的好办法。




联邦移民部新设立的“加拿大经验类别”(Canadian Experience Class,CEC)项目的移民申请,自从2008年9月17日生效一年以来,反应冷淡,至今年7月底只有5539人申请,1124人已取得签证,仅及最低目标人数的22%。 


据联邦移民部卑诗及育空地区发言人弗米特(Therese Vermette)提供资料显示,该部门截至今年7月31日止,收到申请5539宗,只有1160宗获批出,当中有1124人取得签证。她又补充,指计划推出后有118宗申请遭拒,13人撤回申请。

中国经济好 留学生回归者渐多

检讨移民政策 建议加分吸引年轻移民










正如Beach,Green和Worswick (2008)指出的,关键政策对登陆移民技术水平的影响,是可能估计的。这些政策如下:一年内进入加国的移民总数,这个总数中经济类移民的比例,以及分配给教育及年龄的最大评分系统份量。


我们的分析还揭示,增加移民总数,会增加经济类主申请人的平均年龄。增加经济类移民的比例,往往会降低抵埠主申请人的平均年龄。增加评分系统中分配给年龄的最大分值,会降低抵埠主申请人的平均年龄(Beach,Green和Worswick 2008)。总而言之,评分系统正如预期地运作。








Email marketing can help your small business. 利用电子邮件发展你的小生意

A steady stream of new and repeat customers is the key to online success.
Permission-based email marketing is the most effective way to keep the flow coming by helping you build strong relationships with your website visitors.

Place a “Subscribe Here” link on your home page so website visitors can opt in to your mailing list.
Send email newsletters, promotions or coupons regularly. This generates website traffic and builds customer loyalty.

Try free direct email marketing newsletter system.


Finding a business 如何在加拿大买下一个合适的生意之一


As a buyer, you have the option of purchasing an existing independent business or a franchise. Each has its strengths and weaknesses. To understand which type of business is best for you, you need to understand both the differences between these two business types, and your own strengths and weaknesses.

Franchises come with a set of rules that you must follow. The franchisor has taken the time to develop a business template, which is then rolled out from location to location. If you are looking to use your managerial skills, and won't feel cramped if you can't put your own ideas into play, this may be the ideal form of business for you.
Independent businesses
Buying an independent business gives you the freedom of setting your own rules. You set the vision of the company, control human resources, and get to choose which supplier you're going to buy from. In an independent business the decisions – and the success – of the business rest on your shoulders. There is room for creativity and innovation, but at the same time, your choices may destabilize the business. Unless you are buying a business with a strong, existing brand, you may not have the same recognition that you would get with a franchise. On the flip side, you won't have to pay franchise fees and royalties.

A creative person may be more suited to an independent business where there is more room to give you the opportunity to test and implement ideas. A systematic, scheduled person with a strong management background may thrive in the franchise environment, eventually operating multiple outlets with different managers handling the day-to-day operations.


Many businesses use a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) to understand their position in the market and develop a plan of action.
