
加拿大置業安居 - 租住房屋Renting A House

租住房屋 Renting A House置業安居是人生大事,故此許多新移民在投入加國生活初期,不會貿然作出買屋決定,於是便得先租住房屋,待熟識環境以後,才考慮購置樓房。

租客保障法 Tenant Protection Act安省租客保障法明文規定業主及租客各自享有的權利和應盡的責任,其適用之樓房物業,包括﹕柏文、鎮屋、房屋及流動屋(Mobile House)﹔「根據租客保障條例,無論業主住客均不能擅自推翻彼此之間所訂立之口頭或書面協議。住客一旦遷入租住單位,其權利即受法例保障。雖然租約可以口頭或書面約定,但以書面協議之保障為佳。」私隱權條例租客除受租客保障法保護外,其私隱權還亦會受到法律的保障。業主未得租客同意,不得擅自進入其已出租物業﹔若有需要,須於24小時之前以書面通知租客,並寫明進入單位之目的及時間,及獲得租客同意,方可入內。不過,在緊急情況之下,以上規定暫不適用。




租期屆滿租約期滿,新約尚未達成,租客仍可照舊約租住單位或無需提出理由而遷走﹔但業主若要租客遷走,則必須有充分理由及以書面通知租客,不能以租約期滿為理由,要租客覓地他遷。一般業主不予續約的理由如下﹕收回出租單位自用,包括供業主父母、子女居住﹔租客經常遲交或欠繳租金﹔租客租住單位由僱主提供,而租客之僱佣合約期滿。租賃房屋審裁安省設有租賃房屋審裁處(Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal),負責仲裁一切租賃房屋問題,無論業主住客,遇有租務問題,可往尋求協助。電話號碼﹕1-888-332-3234,416-645-8080互聯網址﹕ www.orht.gov.on.ca

加拿大置業安居 - 房屋保險






加拿大置業安居 - 樓房按揭分期付款



加拿大置業安居 - 樓房交易須知


交易須知首次置業可能出現的費用- 房屋首期- 按揭保險- 土地轉讓稅- 房屋交易稅(多倫多市)- 律師費- 產權註冊費- 新舊屋主交接費用- 房屋測量、驗屋費- 每月按揭費- 地稅- 物業管理費- 房屋維護費- 房屋保險- 搬家費- 裝修費- 家俱添置費






樓房檢驗無論購置新舊樓房,最好還是聘請專業驗樓師進行詳細檢驗,確保安全。不過,安省政府並未規定房屋檢查員需領有牌照,故此聘用之時務須小心為上。目前為大多市提供驗樓服務的人士,主要類別計有﹕安省專業註冊工程師、註冊建築師、特許測計師、加拿大房屋按揭公司 (CMHC)督察、安省新屋保障計劃(ONWHP)督察及建築商等,前三者的服務水平有專業協會監管,故而可靠程度亦較高。部份驗樓師使用美加驗樓師專業學會驗樓表格,例如﹕美國驗樓師學社(America Society of Home Inspectors, ASHI)屬會驗樓表格,或加拿大省會專業驗樓師學會(Provincial Association of Certified Home Inspector, PACHI)表格,驗樓報告較為全面及可靠。至於檢驗的項目,新屋注重樓房是否按照合約的圖則、材料及款式建成﹔舊樓還要兼顧樓房結構是否安全,甚至內牆是否有蟲蟻為患。若發現任何問題,可以在收樓之前,要求改善。

加拿大置業安居 - 鼓勵省民置業安居的優惠措施



第一項:5%首期計劃是由加拿大按揭及房屋公司(CMHC)提供的房屋貸款保險計劃,合資格獲該公司貸款的置業人士,物業按揭額可高達其價格的九成半,業主只需支付5%的首期。但每月供款不能超過每月收入的32%﹐貸款的最長年期為25年﹐申請人需要證明自己有能力支付通常約屋價1.5%的成交費(Closing Costs)。查詢電話﹕1-800-668-2642網址﹕http://www.cmhc/


第三項:土地轉讓稅回扣按省府頒布的措施,土地轉讓稅(Land Transfer Tax)退款額為$2,000﹔即購買屋價在$227,500以內之新建樓房自住之業主,可獲100%的退稅,如屋價較高者,則須繳付退款之差額。惟欲享受此項退稅之新樓房業主,必須符合以下條件﹕年齡在18歲或以上﹔從未在世界上任何地方擁有物業,而其配偶與置業者共同生活期間,亦從未擁有物業﹔購入之新樓房必須為業主之主要居所。



加拿大置業安居 - 居住物業建築格式



平房 (Bungalow)房屋地段較為闊大,屋齡亦較高,單層建築,起居室及設施大部份集中在一層之內,而且多數是舊屋。
獨立屋 (Detached House)在一個地段上建築的唯一樓房,對地段有擁有權,與鄰舍距離亦比較遠,在全國數量亦最多。
半獨立屋 (Semi-Detached House)兩套房子共用一個屋頂,中間只有一道牆壁加以隔開。
連屋 (Link House)兩座房屋部份相連,如車房與土庫﹔部份則僅在地面上以三合土相連,實質上與獨立屋無異。
鎮屋 (Town House)三間或以上房屋並列興建,面積通常較獨立屋為小,屋形較長,價格亦較相宜。
柏文 (Apartment)實際上是多層住宅大廈,在地廣人稀的加拿大數量比較少,出現也比較遲,而且多數集中在市中心。

鎮屋及柏文則分為共同擁有式 (Condominium)或全屋契式。全屋契式與獨立屋業權無異,業主完全擁有樓房及土地﹔

加拿大置業安居 - 選購樓房Buying A Home


選購樓房 Buying A Home營造安樂窩是每個家庭最重視的事情,在進行的過程當中,需要尋找的資料以及考慮的問題非常多,比如﹕樓房的所在地區、建築方式、面積大小、屋齡長短、價格高低、環境交通等等,實在費煞思量。所以,歸根究底,必然需要掌握一些可以幫助您作出抉擇的資料。物業類型省內一般出售物業,大致上可以劃分為三種類型﹕現有落成新物業、預訂樓盤及重售單位。現有落成之新物業,經已完成建築實體,只要買賣雙方達成交易契約,業主就可以入住新屋,只是這類出售樓房數目不多,選擇受到限制。預訂樓盤,即所謂「買樓花」,是先交訂金,待預訂樓房建築完成,然後貨銀兩訖。一般發展商為加強買家信心,多數在樓房建築地盤陳列示範單位,以供參觀選購。惟因訂購樓房實際尚未興建或完成,故買家需有心理準備,或者會因為已知或未能預測因素,影響入伙日期。
以上兩種新購樓房,全部業主均受到強制性的安省新屋保險計劃 (Ontario New Home Warranty Program, ONHWP)的保護,新落成的樓房,主要結構有7年的保障。所以每個新樓房單位均須向安省新屋保障計劃辦事處進行登記,繳交按樓價計算之登記費用,然後獲配單位編號。實際運作則是建築商早在樓房動工之前,業已繳交有關費用。
安省新屋保障計劃共開設八個辦事處,其總部則位於北約克。電話﹕ 416-229-9200免費長途﹕1-800-668-0124,1-877-982-7466網址﹕www.tarion.com
重售單位,即香港人所謂「二手樓」,若樓宇落成五年以下,仍受安省新屋保障計劃保護,則還可以稱為「新屋」。重售樓房相對售價較低,而且是可供勘察的實體,購買風險比預售樓盤低,價錢亦較實惠。首次置業電話﹕1-877-9TARION傳真﹕ 1-877-664-9710網址﹕ www.tarion.com/home


落地生根 - 郵包過境




- 價值在20元及以下的物品免交關稅。- 煙、酒、書籍、期刊、雜誌及廣告品不屬於上述免稅物品範圍。- 在加拿大境內訂購﹐但由境外郵寄的物品也必須交關稅。

如果對海關單據上所標明的關稅金額有疑問﹐可以向海關提出申請﹐要求對物品關稅進行重新核定。新移民抵埠郵寄安家物品無須交關稅,如果海關因為不知道具體情況而徵收了關稅,也同樣可以這樣做。你可以與离家最近的加拿大邊境管理局辦公室聯絡。加拿大邊境管理局辦公室地址網上查詢﹕ www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/contact/listing/offices。

落地生根 - 出入加境



- 肉類和肉製品- 奶油、牛奶、奶酪和其他奶製品
- 植物﹐樹﹐剪摘的花束及其泥土(需要獲得進口許可)
- 木頭和木製品
- 水果和蔬菜(需要獲得進口許可)
- 寵物、鳥類和其他動物(需要獲得進口許可和疫苗注射文件)
- 羽絨和絨毛製品
- 種子、堅果- 嬰兒奶粉

加拿大出入境事務由加拿大邊境管理局(The Canada Border Services Agency) (CBSA) 負責,在其網站上有關於出入境貨物通關的詳細規定。
查詢電話:1 800 461-9999網址:www.cbsa.gc.ca

落地生根 - 公民考試重要题目


1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms sets out the democratic rights and fundamental freedoms of all Canadians. Some rights are essential for Canadian citizens:
- the right to vote or to be a candidate in federal and provincial elections;
- the right to enter, remain in or leave Canada;
- the right to earn a living and reside in any province or territory;
- minority language education rights (English or French); and
- the right to apply for a Canadian passport.

2.Canadian citizenship also implies the following responsibilities:
- to obey Canada's laws; - to vote in the federal, provincial and municipal elections;
- to discourage discrimination and injustice;*to respect the rights of others;
- to respect public and private property; and
- to support Canada's ideals in building the country we all share.

3.Who is entitled to apply for Canadian citizenship- You can apply for Canadian citizenship if you:
- are at least 18 years of age;
- have been a legal permanent resident in Canada for three out of the previous four years;
- can communicate in English or French; and
- have knowledge of Canada, including the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.

參考練習題 1(*乃正確答案)
1.Name one right of Canadian Citizenshipa. to run as a candidate in
a federal election*
b. to drive a car
c. to own land
d. to run a business

2. What do you write on a federal election ballot-
a. the name of your province
b. your telephone number and address
c. an "x" beside your name
d. an "x" beside the name of one candidate*

3. Who has the right to run as a candidate in federal elections-
a. tax payers
b. professors
c. landed immigrants
d. Canadian citizens*

4. What does the Notice of Confirmation of Registration Card tell you-
a. where to register your name with Election Canada
b. the names of candidates seeking federal election
c. when and where to vote*
d. it confirms your Canadian citizenship

5. What is Queen's representative in Canada called-
a. the prime Minister
b. the Deputy Prime Minister
c. the Magistrate
d. the Governor General*

6. When is Canada Day celebrated-
a. April 17
b. July 1*
c. November 11
d. May 24

7.Who was Canada's first Prime Minister-
a. Lester B. Pearson
b. John a. Macdonald*
c. Wilfrid Laurier
d. Elienne Cartier

8. What will you promise when you take the Oath of Citizenship-
a. to be loyal to the Queen of Canada*
b. never leave Canada
c. to run in a federal election
d. to apply for a Canadian passport

9. Who are the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada- The Inuit, the First Nations(or Indian) and
a. the Metis*
b. the Scottish
c. the Irish
d. the French

10. Which four provinces joined together in Confederation- Ontario,Nova Scotia,
a. Quebec and New Brunswick*
b. Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick
c. Prince Edward Island and Alberta
d. Quebec and Manitoba

11. What are the territories of northern Canada-
a. Yukon and British Columbia
b. Yukon, North West Territories and Nunavut*
c. North West Territories and Labrador
d. Yukon and Labrador

12. What emblem is on the Canadian flag-
a. a beaver
b. a unicorn
c. an eagle
d. a maple leaf*

13. Identify the service for which the federal government is responsible-
a. parking by-law
b. foreign policy*
c. fire protection
d. health care

14.Which province has the largest population-
a. Ontario*
b. Quebecc
. British Columbia
d. Nova Scotia

15.Which are the Prairie Provinces-
a. Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Alberta
b. Saskatchewan, Alberta and Manitoba*
c. Saskatchewan, Newfoundland and Manitoba
d. Alberta, British Columbia and Manitoba

16. What part of the constitution protects the rights of Canadians-
a. the Declaration of Independence
b. the Citizenship Act
c. the Constitution Act of 1985
d. the Charter of rights and Freedoms*

17. Which list best identifies citizenship responsibilities-
a. learn both official languages, buy property and recycle newspapers
b. be loyal to Canada, recycle newspapers and drive a car
c. respect the rights of others, care for Canada's heritage and support Canada's ideals*
d. respect public and private property, buy property and own your own business

18. What is the name of the Prime Minister of Canada-
a. Lucien Bouchard
b. Jean Charest
c. Stephen Harper*
d. Preston Manning

19. What do members of political parties do-
a. develop the policies of the party*
b. write the Voter's list
c. review the government's budget and approve government spending
d. elect the government and appoint the Cabinet

20. What types of jobs are most Canadians employed in-
a. agricultural jobs such as raising crops and animals
b. Natural resource jobs such as mining, fishing and forestry
c. Service jobs such as working in hospitals, offices and schools*
d. Research jobs such as medicine and computer technology
參考練習題 2
1. How do you vote in a Canadian election-
a. by raised hand
b. by computerz
c. by telephone
d. by secret ballot*

2. Who has the right to vote in federal elections-
a. property owners
b. Canadian citizens*
c. Tax payers
d. Landed immigrants

3. What should you do if you do not receive a Notice of Confirmation of Registration Card-
a. contact the federal political party in power
b. contact Election Canada*
c. contact your regional government representative
d. contact the House of Commons

4. Circle the letter which best identifies citizenship rights-
a. right to vote in federal and provincial elections and to apply for a Canadian passport*
b. right to own land and vote in a federal election
c. right to apply for a Canadian passport and work in the United States
d. right to be a candidate in a federal election and own your own business

5.Which group of mountains divides Alberta and British Columbia-
a. the Coastal range
b. the Laurentians
c. the Appalachians
d. the Rockies*

6. What does Canada Day celebrate-
a. the anniversary of Confederation in 1867*
b. Canadian Bill of Rights
c. The end of World War I
d. The World War II

7. Identify the services for which your municipal government is responsible
a. Highways
b. Foreign policy
c. Postal service
d. Building regulations*

8.What is the capital of Canada-
a. Montrealb
. Toronto
c. Vancouver
d. Ottawa*

9.What will you promise when you take the Oath of Citizenship-
a. never leave Canada
b. obey the laws of Canada*
c. apply for a Canadian passport
d. give up your former citizenship

10.What song is Canada's Anthem-
a. God Save the Queen
b. The Maple Leaf Forever
c. O Canada*
d. Canada Is

11.On what date did Nunavut become a territory-
a. April1,1949
b. April 1, 1999*
c. July 1,1999
d. July 1,1867

12.What did early English settlers do on the Hudson Bay shore-
a. set up hospitals
b. set up diamond mines
c. set up wheat farms
d. set up fishing and trading post*

13.What part of the constitution protects the right of Canadians-
a. the Statute of Westminster
b. the Citizenship Act
c. the Multiculturalism Act
d. the Charter of Rights and Freedoms*

14.Which four provinces joined together in Confederation- New Brunswick, Quebec,
a. Manitoba and Ontario
b. Newfoundland and Nova Scotia
c. Ontario and Nova Scotia*
d. Nova Scotia and Alberta

15. How are Members of Parliament chosen-
a. they are appointed by the Senate
b. they are chosen by the provincial Premiers
c. they are elected by the Canadian citizens*
d. they are appointed by the Prime Minister

16.What is the government for all of Canada called-
a. provincial government
b. municipal government
c. judicial government
d. federal government*

17.Name one responsibility of Canadian Citizenship
a. to buy a house
b. to tell how you voted
c. to change your name
d. to respect the rights of others*

18.What is the role of the Official Opposition-
a. to debate and improve the laws proposed by the government*
b. to defeat the government
c. to support all the laws proposed by the government
d. to call for new elections

19.What is the Queen's representative in each province called-
a. the Magistrate
b. the Premier
c. the Lieutenant Governor*
d. a Member of the Assembly

20.Who do Members of Parliament represent-
a. only Canadian citizens in their ridings
b. the provinces
c. only property owners in their ridings
d. everyone in their ridings*

參考練習題 3

1. Who do Canadian vote for in federal election-
a. Members of the Assembly
b. Members of Parliament*
c. Judges
d. Senators

2. Who has the right to run as a candidate in federal elections-
a. business owners
b. landed immigrants
c. medical doctors
d. Canadian citizens*

3. What does the Notice of Confirmation of Registration Card tell you-
a. Where to register your name with Election Canada
b. The names of candidates seeking federal election
c. When and where to vote*
d. It confirms your Canadian citizenship

4. What is printed on a federal election ballot-
a. the name of the voter
b. the names of the candidates and their parties*
c. the name of the enumerator
d. the names of aldermen and alderwomen

5. What are the three parts of Parliament- The Senate, The Queen(represented by the Governor General), and
a. the Constitution
b. the House of Representatives
c. the House of Commons*
d. the Enumerators

6. What is the capital of Canada-
a. Calgary
b. Vancouver
c. Halifax
d. Ottawa*

7. Who are the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada- The Metis, The First Nations (or Indians), and
a. the French
b. the Scottish
c. Inuit*
d. The Iroquois

8. Which four provinces joined together in Confederation- Ontario, New Brunswick and
a. Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island
b. British Columbia and Quebec
c. Quebec and Nova Scotia*
d. Quebec and Prince Edward Island

9. What types of jobs are most Canadians employed in-
a. natural resource jobs such as mining and forestry
b. service jobs such as working in offices and schools*
c. research job such as medicine and computer technology
d. agriculture jobs such as raising crops and animals

10. What will you promise when you take the Oath of Citizenship-
a. to buy only Canada products
b. to be loyal to the Queen of Canada*
c. to apply for a Canadian passport
d. to run in a federal election

11.Which province was the last to join Confederation-
a. Newfoundland*
b. Prince Edward Island
c. Saskatchewan
d. British Columbia

12.What is the name of the Prime Minister of Canada-
a. Peter Mackay
b. Paul Martin
c. Stephen Harper*
d. Jack Layton

13.When did the Charter of Rights and Freedoms become part of the Canadian Constitution-
a. 1982*
b. 1967
c. 1972
d. 1868

14.Identify the service for which the provincial government is responsible
a. citizenship
b. public libraries
c. fire protection
d. health care*

15.What does Canada Day celebrate-
a. the end of World War I
b. the Queen's birthday
c. the anniversary of Confederation in 1867*
d. Canadian Bill of Rights

16.What is Canada's system of government called
a. a congressional system
b. a dictatorship
c. a republic
d. a parliamentary democracy*

17.Name one right of Canadian citizenship
a. to be given preference for certain jobs*
b. to own a house
c. to join a union
d. to own land

18.Which three oceans surround Canada-
a. Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic Oceans*
b. Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans
c. South Pacific, North Atlantic and Indian Oceans
d. Arctic, Pacific and Indian Oceans

19.In which type of industry did most European settlers work-
a. the manufacturing industry
b. the fur trade and fishing*
c. the service industry
d. the mining industry

20.Which list best identifies citizenship responsibilities-
a. learn both official languages, buy property and recycle newspapers
b. respect the rights of others, care for Canada's heritage and support Canada's ideals*
c. be loyal to Canada, recycle newspapers and drive a car
d. respect public and private property, buy property and own your own business

參考練習題 4

1. Circle the letter which best identifies citizenship rights.
a. right to own land and work in hospital
b. right to be a candidate in a federal election and own your own business
c. right to apply for a Canadian passport and own a business
d. right to vote in federal and provincial elections and right to enter and leave Canada at will *

2. What should you do if you do not receive a Notice of Confirmation of registration Card for a federal election-
a. contact the federal political party in powerb. contact Election Canada *
c. contact your regional government representative
d. contact the House of Commons

3.How do you vote in a Canadian election-
a. by telephone
b. by raised hand
c. by secret ballot *
d. by computer

4.Who has the right to run as a candidate in federal election-
a. business owners
b. Canadian citizens*
c. University professors
d. Landed immigrants

5. On what date did Nunavut become a territory-
a. April 1,1949
b. April 1, 1999*
c. July 1,1999
d. July 1, 1867

6.What the Queen's representative in Canada called-
a. the Deputy Prime Minester
b. the Speaker of the House
c. the Prime Minister
d. the Governor General*

7.Which group of mountains divides British Columbia and Alberta-
a. the Rockies*
b. the Laurentians
c. the Appalachians
d. the Coastal Range

8.Who was Canada's first Prime Minister-
a. Lester B. Pearson
b. Wilfrid Laurier
c. John a. Macdonald*
d. Elienne Cartier

9.How are Senators chosen-
a. they are elected by voters
b. they are chosen by the provincial premiers
c. they are appointed by the Prime Minister and the Governor General*
d. they are appointed Lieutenant Governors

10.When did the Charter of Rights and Freedoms become part of the Canadian Constitution-
a. 1945
b. 1982*
c. 1890
d. 1972

11.Who are the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada- The Inuits, the First Nations(or Indians),and
a. the Metis*
b. the Scottish
c. the French
d. the Iroquois

12.Identify the services for which municipal governments are responsible
a. foreign policy and unemployment insurance
b. community libraries and fire protection*
c. education and national defense
d. health care and highways

13.Which province in Canada is the smallest in land size-
a. British Columbia
b. Prince Edward Island*
c. Newfoundland
d. Nova Scotia

14.Who do Canadians vote for in a federal election-
a. Council members
b. Senators
c. Members of the Assembly
d. Members of Parliament*

15.Which four provinces joined together in Confederation- Ontario, New Brunswick,
a. Prince Edward Island and Manitoba
b. Nova Scotia and Quebec*
c. British Columbia and Quebec
d. Nova Scotia and Alberta

16.Name one responsibility of Canadian citizenship
a. to buy property
b. to tell how you voted
c. to join a union
d. to obey Canada's law*

17.When did Newfoundland join Con-federation-
a. 1905
b. 1949*
c. 1896
d. 1873

18.Who do members of Parliament represent-
a. everyone in their ridings*
b. the provinces
c. only registered voters in their ridings
d. only property owners in their ridings

19.What are Canada's official languages-
a. French and Spanish
b. English, German and French
c. English and French*
d. English and Italian

20.What will you promise when you take the Oath of Citizenship-
a. to buy only Canadian products
b. to be loyal to the Queen of Canada*
c. to get a Canadian passport
d. to travel to the United States of America

參考練習題 5

1. What is printed on a federal election ballot-
a. the names of aldermen or alderwomen
b. the names of the candidates and their parties*
c. the name of the voter
d. the name of the enumerator

2. Who has the right to vote in federal elections-
a. landed immigrants
b. Canadian citizens*
c. Property owners
d. University graduates

3. Which list best identifies citizenship rights-
a. right to apply for a Canadian passport, work in the United States and change your name
b. right to be a candidate in a federal election, right to drive a car and own your own business
c. right to own land, vote in federal election and work in a hospital
d. right to vote in federal and provincial elections, right to enter and leave Canada at will and minority language rights*

4. What should you do if you do not receive a Notice of Confirmation of Registration Card for a federal election-
a. contact the federal political party in power
b. contact your regional government representative
c. contact the House of Commons
d. contact Election Canada*

5. Who are the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada- The Inuit, the Metis and
a. the French
b. the Scottish
c. the First Nations(or Indian)*
d. the Irish

6. Which province has the largest population-
a. British Columbia
b. Ontario*
c. Quebec
d. Prince Edward Island

7. What part of the constitution protects the right of Canadians-
a. the Charter of Rights and Freedoms*
b. the Statute of Westminster
c. the Declaration of Independence
d. the Citizenship Act

8. Indentify the services for which provincial governmennts are responsible
a. postal services and nation defense
b. schools and child welfare*
c. parking by-laws and fire protection
d. foreign policy and citizenship

9. Which are the Prairie Provinces-
a. Saskatchewan, Newfoundland and Manitoba
b. Saskatchewan,Alberta and Manitoba*
c. Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Alberta
d. Alberta, British Columbia and Manitoba

10. What emblem is on the Canadian flag-
a. a beaver
b. a star
c. a maple leaf*
d. an eagle

11.What are the territories of northern Canada-
a. Yukon and British Columbia
b. Yukon and Labrador
c. North west Territories and Labrador
d. Yukon, North West Territories and Nunavut*

12. What is the Queen's representative in each province called-
a. the Premier
b. the Lieutenant Governor*
c. a Member of the House of Assembly
d. the Speaker of the House

13. What will you promise when you take the Oath of Citizenship-
a. run in federal election
b. never leave Canada
c. buy only Canadian products
d. be loyal to the Queen of Canada*

14.On what date did Nunavut become a territory-
a. April 1,1949
b. April 1, 1999*
c. July 1,1999
d. July 1,1867

15.Which group of mountains divides Alberta and British Columbia-
a. the Coastal Range
b. the Laurentians
c. the Appalachians
d. the Rockies*

16.After a federal election, which party forms the new government-
a. the party with the most Senators
b. the party with the most votes
c. the party with the most elected Members of Parliament*
d. the party which had the most candidates running for election

17.Which four provinces joined together in Confederation- Ontario, Nova Scotia,
a. Prince Edward Island and Manitoba
b. Quebec and New Brunswick*
c. Quebec and Manitoba
d. Prince Edward Island and Quebec

18.What is the name of the Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons-
a. Jack Layton
b. Gilles Duceppe
c. Stephane Dion*
d. Peter Mackay

19. Name one responsibility of Canadian citizenship.
a. obey Canada's laws*
b. tell how you vote
c. change your name
d. buy property

20.When is Canada Day celebrated-
a. July 1*
b. May 24
c. November 11
d. April 17

落地生根 - 公民考試


考試準備:公民服務中心收到申請文件後會寄給你A LOOK AT CANADA 的書,你可開始閱讀此書,准備考試。18-54歲申請者要參加考試。申請要等待時間4至8個月。有一本中英文的入籍參考書非常有用,裡面有200個複習題和答案。




落地生根 - 入籍須知


1.移民加國的目的,最終當然是要入籍成為加國公民,以下是申請入籍須知的資料: 申請人必須年滿18歲或以上,才可以獨立申請入籍 申請人必須為加拿大合法永久居民,即是抵埠移民 Landed Immigrant 申請人必須在移民加國四年內居住滿三年(1095日),假如申請人在成為永久居民前已經在加國居住,則所居留的日子以半數計算。申請人需懂基本英語或法語 申請人需要知道公民利或義務,亦要知道有關加拿大地理、歷史及政治體制等事項,有一定程度上的認識,申請人在遞交申請表格後,入籍部門會郵寄一本 A Look At Canada 的免費刊物,你必須熟讀內容所列資料。如果你已經成為加國公民,或足夠資格申請入籍,則可以連同18歲或以下的子女一起申請,而他們不需要一定住滿3年,只要是加國永久居民即可。

2. 申請入籍被拒的原因: 被驅逐出境不准備留在加拿大 曾被刑事檢控及經定罪 在申請前4年曾被判入獄,或在假釋和緩刑者 居留日子不足 筆試及面試都不合格 提供不真實的資料,或不能出示入籍法官要求檢核的佐證文件

3. 申請入籍的程序:
填妥申請表格:每名申請人均要獨立填寫申請表,縱使是18歲以下的子女亦都要個別填寫。 填妥申請表後,連下例佐證文件副本一同呈遞: 移民證明文件 - 出入境時用的旅遊證明文件,如護照或出生證明書等- 兩份身分證明文件,如駕駛執照、保健卡、借書證或學校成績表等 *兩張彩色或黑白照片,拍攝日期不可超過一年,相片格式及尺寸要按規定,並且要由照相館在照片後蓋章及註明拍攝日期,14歲或以上人士必須在照片上簽名 - 申請入籍費用成人每位200元,18歲或以下每位100元,請前往National Bank或指定銀行交費,將收條連同申請表格寄往: Citizenship & Immigration Canada Citizenship Registration Services Case Processing Centre P.O. Box 7000 , Sydney , Nova Scotia , Canada , B1P 6V6

4.入籍部門收到有關申請文件後,約在8至12個月才會安排申請者接受筆試,考試合格要再等1至3個月才會安排宣誓入籍。如果筆試不合格,可能會安排面試,假如面試不合格則有可能會被拒絕申請,便要再作好準備後,重新再申請。但55歲或以上的申請者可豁免考筆試 如果考試合格,申請人便會被安排宣誓入籍儀式,申請人要帶同粉紅色的通知書及移民紙,按指定時間及地點,由入籍法官主持宣誓,儀式過後便可以取得公民證,正式成為加拿大公民。

加拿大落地生根 - 公民權利與義務







社會保險卡 Social Insurance Card:社會保險卡俗稱SIN卡,無論你是否打算在加拿大工作,你亦需要一張SIN卡,就如你的身份證明文件一樣。當你抵埠後,應盡快辦理申請SIN卡的手續,申請人需帶同移民紙及護照,到就近的加拿大人力資源發展部(Human Resources and Social Development Canada) 辦理。如果所有手續合格,三周內便郵寄到你的家裡。查詢可致電:1-800-206-7218 聯絡,或在 网站http://www.servicecanada/上查詢。

安省醫療保健卡 Ontario Health Card:新移民抵埠後,便應該立即申請醫療保健卡,通常約需三個月的時間才可以領取得到,而在這三個月期間,你是沒有安省醫療保障的,所以最好在移民前或抵加後,購備約三個月的旅遊保險,以備不時之需。查詢辦理保健卡的衛生廳地址,可致電:416-327-7567聯絡,或在网站www.health.gov.on.ca上查詢。入境須知新移民無論你從多倫多或溫哥華入境,都要在海關辦理清關手續,你必需預備好旅遊證件、移民紙和一份 Goods To Follow清單,以及一份列出你隨身攜帶的物品清單,當你寄運到的物品抵埠時,海關會通知你去辦理清關手續,屆時你可能要繳交一些稅項。提議新移民將物品寄運時,如果是貴重物品如高價電器或首飾等,最好拍照存案,並且登記好貨品編號,以便海關核對,及他日有需要將貴重首飾攜離加國時作佐證之用。

抵埠之後首先列出一份必做事情的清單﹐上面應列出的項目包括﹕- 尋找安家地點- 申請社會保險號(Social Insurance Number)(SIN)- 申請健康卡(Health Card)(OHIP)- 申請牛奶金(Child Tax Benefit)- 到銀行開個人帳戶- 查找離自己暫居地最近的新移民服務中心、醫療中心、就業資訊輔導中心- 查找暫居地附近的圖書館- 向新移民服務中心或住所週圍機構及人士了解租客和僱員的權利和義務- 到附近學校了解子女註冊手續及注意事項- 到公交車上或地鐵站口索取公交指南﹐或上網查找公交信息- 盡快報讀ESL或LINC英語課程相關信息查閱:www.ontarioimmigration.ca
申請楓葉卡一. 申請楓葉卡須知 申請楓葉卡需附上兩項證件之影印本,第一項為護照首頁影印本,也就是有護照號碼、姓名、照片、出生年月日與簽名的那頁,第二項為移民紙(IMM-1000) 的影印本,以上兩項證件之影印本需要有專業人士的公證,另外,如果申請人年齡低於18歲,還要附上出生證明文件之影本,該出生證明文件需要有申請人的姓名、出生年月日、出生地與其父母的姓名。 另外,申請人需要找到一位認識兩年或以上的擔保人,為其楓葉卡申請表格擔保,該擔保人必須是專業人士且為加拿大公民,如果申請人找不到符合條件的擔保人,申請人可經過一個宣誓的過程且有公證人或律師的見證來證明其確實無法找到適合的擔保人。每位申請人需附上兩張照片,此照片規格不同於申請護照或公民的規格,要特別注意照片背面需有照相館的蓋章、照相日期,照片的有效期限為一年;其中一張貼在身分證明附表(IMM 5455)上,另外一張照片背面則要有擔保人或見證宣誓的見證人簽名。

二. 如何填申請表 第一部分是個人資料,包括姓名、性別、出生年月、通訊地址、電話等。 第二部分是過去五年的個人曆史,包括所用過的住址、工作與接受教育的機構名稱等,必須逐月填寫。如果在五年中有超過 730天在海外者,則需要填寫清楚有關的情況。 第三部分是過去五年中個人移民的歷史資料,是否曾為其他國家的移民、如果有,又是什麼情況等。第四部分是個人聲明,表示自己所填的資料全部屬實,並寫下日期及簽名。第五部分只供丟失楓葉卡者填寫。 第六部分是保證人的聲明,即由一位具有政府認可的職稱者、且此人對申請者認識至少兩年才能成為保證人。政府認可的職稱包括牙醫、家庭醫生、專科醫生、法官、律師、政府公務員、註冊工程師、注冊會計、葯劑師、中學或大學教師等。第七部分是供找不到保證人的申請者填寫。此類人士須提供經公證機構公證的申請表格內容證明。

三. 查詢辦理進程 目前首次申請等候期為30天,補辦或更換等候期為57天。如想查詢關於你申請的進展,你可致電楓葉卡熱線電話。查詢電話:1-888-242-2100,到時你必須提供你的姓名、出生日期、出生地點和移民紙號碼,電話服務員應能告訴你現時申請的進展情況。

四.領取楓葉卡及注意事項 加拿大移民部規定,在向申請者發出領取楓葉卡通知書後的 180 天內,申請者必須親自前往移民部指定的地點去領取楓葉卡。否則,申請人須再次繳納申請費,重新辦理申請。移民部亦推行一項服務就是為一些不能在指定日期前往的人士可於其他特別時間以先到先得方式領取。領取中心的正常辦公時間是星期一至五(假日除外)早上8時到下午4時。雖然此特別服務可方便領取卡人士,但要知道的是如按原定時間前往者就不需等候,可是於其他時間領取就可能需要等候很久。領取中心地址是: 多倫多St. Clair Avenue East 55號,5樓六. 楓葉卡與入加籍 楓葉卡的有效期為五年。如果在有效期內,持卡人加入了加拿大國籍,其手中的楓葉卡將會自動作癈。如果有效期終止時,持卡人仍保持永久居民的身份,將需要重新申請辦理新的楓葉卡。凡加拿大的永久居民包括未成年的孩童在內,在入境加拿大時,必須出示楓葉卡。